Support NNS

Make a donation.

The generosity of our Northminster community plays a vital role in helping us maintain quality programming for our young learners. Whether it's through volunteering time, fundraising, or direct donations, support for our programs beyond tuition are necessary to maintain Northminster Nursery School operations. 

We always welcome financial support and we are endlessly grateful to our community of families, friends, and alumni for ongoing donations.

Donate directly through the website, or via check payable to Northminster.


“There are a few family events during the school year allowing parents to get to know each other and it gives the school a nice warm feeling – as if it is an extended family. You will love it there and you will feel welcomed!”

— Petia T., NNS Parent

Fundraising Events

We host fundraising events with local retail partners, who offer a percentage of profits during the event in support of NNS. Other events like Yoga in the Park have been a great way for our community to get together, be active, and support our school.

Parents Night Out

Throughout the school year, the NNS Parent Advisory Board will collaborate with local restaurants to host Parents Night Out events for parents to socialize in support of NNS. Past events have been held at Lush, Double Clutch Brewery, and other Central Street Evanston spots.

NNS Spirit Week

For one week during the spring, we celebrate NNS with fun events all week long! Our students get involved with fun themed days that correspond with various opportunities to give back. Previous NNS spirit week partners include local favorites like Backlot Coffee, Notice, Lush, Blended, and DeSalvo’s Pizza.

Interested in getting involved with organizing spirit week? We would love your help! Contact the NNS Parent Advisory Board to lend a hand.